Guest Blogging Site 2022 | Blogger Guidelines

Contribute or share your blog content. Our editorial team is always delighted to consider guest posts.

Hot Categories: Bollywood, Funny, Relationship, Trending News, WTF (Creative, Awesome)


  • Word count above 500 words
  • Content is geared to the IYF audience and is unique, meaning it is not posted on or committed to a media outlet or syndication service
  • A balanced viewpoint that doesn’t endorse a specific company or service
  • We prefer posts that include resources to learn more.
  • Before requesting a guest post make sure your website/link is not penalized by search engines. It should be safe to work with.
  • If we found any post that doesn’t comply with our Guidelines.” Hotgossips” have all the right to remove the post as soon as found.
  • Please submit a draft in Microsoft Word to our Editorial Team

We strive to complete the review process within 48 hours of receiving a submission. If needed, feedback will be provided for a revision. Please understand we can’t guarantee publication until we approve your post.

If you have any questions or comments or would like to contribute, please drop us a note and we will get back to you promptly.

Mail us at : 