Today it is difficult to find a person who doesn’t have a profile on the social network. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – we can’t live a single day without visiting a social network or a dating site, watching films or posting a photo. We share our impressions of different things, talk about the places that have visited, publish photos of food from restaurants and selfies with friends, visit Ukrainian women dating services, and much more. But how does all this influence our relations with others?

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Source: Google Images

It helps find a loved one

It’s no secret that social networks allow single people to find their significant others. Studies show that 60 percent of single Facebook users want to become “friends” with those they saw in real life. 25 percent of users, if they liked a person in real life, contacted him or her via Facebook. When people break up, then, first of all, 40 percent of users of social networks change their status, and only 24 percent of them primarily tell their friends or relatives about a breakup in real life. By the way, friends immediately receive a message about the status change; therefore, in this way, a person can let everyone know that he or she is ready for a new relationship.

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Source: Google Images

People in love have common topics

Some interesting things seen in social networks collect “likes” from around the world. In the morning, you saw something interesting, quickly send to your loved one, and in the evening, you discuss this.

People find friends

In a social network, there are endless opportunities for communication. People who later become friends or family can initially be located thousands of kilometers apart. Thanks to such unifying resources, world space has become very narrow and gives an opportunity to everyone to choose with whom, when and how to communicate.

People find friends
Source: Google Images


It unites families at a distance

Can you imagine how difficult it was for parents whose children lived in other cities or countries before Skype appeared? Now everything is much easier. At any convenient time, people can contact a child. And it will be fast and free.

People become more relaxed

One research showed that closed and non-contact introverted teens could learn social skills through social networks. In particular, this happens because shy people can feel safe behind their gadgets with an Internet connection.

It helps people get a job or find the right employee

Employers are already using social networks to select potential employees, so don’t miss your chance to be appreciated or find the ideal employee using social networks.

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Source: Google Images

It increases self-esteem

Social networking can increase a person’s self-esteem, scientists say. Unlike the mirror, which reminds us of who we really are and which is able to lower self-esteem, social networks give us the opportunity to look at ourselves only from the best side.

It gives greater satisfaction with life

Those people who spend a lot of time in a social network are more often happy. Communication on the Internet allows you to quickly get used to new teams, maintain relationships with old friends and relatives. As studies show, photo sharing and social networking strengthen relationships.

Source: Google Images

For many teens, social networking is an important incentive for self-development

Plunging into the topic they are interested in, they try to achieve recognition of their expertise. American researchers call this phenomenon “geek-learning.” A number of scientific works show that the active use of social networks for communication increases the average score of students, especially at senior courses.